Exams Are Over, Time To Shop!
Excitement is in the air - prom girls are calling, messaging and coming into the store wanting to pick their dream dress for #Prom2K19. My advice, take a deep breathe, and do your homework. Browse our designer collections, save the pictures and draft a wishlist. This way, when you come into the store, you have an idea of what colours, styles and prints are being showcased for the upcoming prom season. Unless you are 120% sure you have found your dream dress - breathe - and don’t make a hasty decision.
From past experience, 1 out of 10 girls that have purchased their dress early second guess their choice, continue to look at other dresses and end up returning their dress. At Willabee’s, you are encouraged to show our stylists your wishlist. We also pick out dresses from low backs to ballgowns to two pieces…solid colours and prints….just so you can see what stunning choices you have.
Sometimes, girls will walk in wanting a fit and flared style in a solid colour. They’ll then walk out with a printed ballgown - you never know what dress will speak to you. Every dress has a girl in mind.